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Yikes & Yuck

Heat & Feet

First, YIKES - the temperature hit 39 degrees (that's over 102 for those who are celsius-challenged) in Pamplona, Larrasoana and Los Arcos, a few of the towns I'll go through in my first few days. You'all know I love the heat, but that's a bit much even for me.

It's supposed to be 10 degrees cooler next week and beyond, though, which will be more manageable with my 16.3 lb pack.

Yes, Annick, I will use sunblock!

Second, YUCK - I was looking at some ugly feet pictures from other people's caminos - big blisters and missing toenails and thought I should record the "before" condition of my feet so there'd be some basis for comparison later on.

Alternatively, if I show a good picture of my feet later, you might say "what horrible feet" and then I'd have to admit those oddly shaped toes were normal!

1 week till I fly out.


PS. My pristine feet, July 20, 2016
I figured I'd post a picture of my feet now, for comparison, since they will probably be a mess a few weeks from now.My pristine feet July 20, 2016

My pristine feet July 20, 2016

Posted by Deb Godley 18:27 Archived in Spain

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