A Travellerspoint blog

SWCP - Day 19 - Portreath to Hayle

sunny 16 °C

Steps/Distance: 38,060 25.98 km
Rating : easy - moderate

I started out following this truck, which was scraping the bricks and stone on both sides as it crawled along the narrow and windy road. They need a narrower truck

The route was relatively flat,with only a couple of semi-steep spots. I stopped at Hell's Mouth Cafe for a scone and some warming hot water -windy cold today.

With help of borrowed binoculars, I saw some seals. There's a white dot on the rock. Yes, that's a seal.

And then came the undulating sand dunes above the beach. I should have just walked on the beach from the start since the tide was out, but I eventually figured it out and walked on the beach for the last hour or so.

Apparently, we owe Hayle for all modern conveniences.

There was a great Adsa grocery store in Hayle, so I was able to buy food for dinner and breakfast, as well as some yummy cherries and oranges.

Posted by Deb Godley 20:23 Archived in England

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