A Travellerspoint blog

Day 20, Bercianos del Real Camino

View Deb's Camino de Santiago de Compostela on Deb Godley's travel map.

Started early at 6:26 and have walked 6k to a cafe for breakfast. Happily pain-free this morning. My blister has shrunk and I've taped it up. The new foot cream is really good and has stopped my heel from cracking.

Here we are at breakfast, Luisa just had the bar waiter take a picture of us. Also, the sunset this morning and the church in Moratinos, which was the previous town. You can see that there are some clouds building. I hope we avoid rain. There's none in the forecast, so fingers crossed.

We're about halfway through the day, sitting in Luna Cafe in Sahagun, which looks like a big town from the perspective of the places we usually pass, but is only about 2800 population.

Along the way we passed a camping/picnic park with weird seating of rusted metal.

We are in a bar in Bercianos del Real Camino and have showered, washed the clothes and are awaiting our selection of pizzas. I am drinking a great dark beer - a rare find in these parts. This one is called Grimbergen (a double-amber) and it references a 10� refund in Quebec. I've asked if Marc is familiar with it. Its very good! I've included a picture of the front and back of the bottle.

The albergue is nice and it's donativo, which means we will pay whatever we feel appropriate. The donation will include the sleeping/washing facilities plus a communal dinner, a sunset walk, and breakfast. We have the option of helping to prepare dinner as a group. Sounds good!

The pizza has arrived!

Breakfast in San Nicolas del Real Camino

Breakfast in San Nicolas del Real Camino

Sunrise this morning

Sunrise this morning

Passing the border from Palencia into Leon

Passing the border from Palencia into Leon

Statue at picnic park

Statue at picnic park

Strange seating

Strange seating

Grimbergen beer

Grimbergen beer

Rare train tracks

Rare train tracks

Posted by Deb Godley 16:35 Archived in Spain

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