A Travellerspoint blog

Arrived in Bayonne, France

View Deb's Camino de Santiago de Compostela on Deb Godley's travel map.

I have a room on the 4th floor adjacent to a bathroom which doesn't lock and has no sink. So after consultation with the front desk I will use the bathroom and shower on the 3rd floor. He suggested washing my hands in the shower, but I couldn't get any water from it.

The room will likely be the last private room until Burgos (about 11 days or so away).

The festival is everywhere. I opened the window and the sounds of the festival are everywhere. Lots of music and cheering, clapping, whistling, shouting - in a word festive.

I'm putting on my white shirt and red neck buff and heading out to join in.

Here I am dancing with a very large group. I was right in there totally out of step with everyone else. But it was fun.

The jazz band played Get Your Kicks on Route 66, Caravale and others. After the first two, a 20-25 piece marching band paraded through; then both were playing, competing as the parade never moved quite far enough away. A cacophony of sound.

Back in the room, my earplugs are in as the festival will go to the wee hours, and I have a 7am train to catch.

Fete de Bayonne

Fete de Bayonne



Fitting in to the Fete de  Bayonne. Gotta wear red and white, so Canada gear was a perfect match.

Fitting in to the Fete de Bayonne. Gotta wear red and white, so Canada gear was a perfect match.

Posted by Deb Godley 14:14 Archived in Spain

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